


Side pushes can change your life. Ask Kevin Ha.

Last year, Ha's income reached a point where the 33-year-old man was able to quit his daily job. Now he replicates his work salary, more than $ 5,000 a month, nights and weekends, while spending most days with his newborn.

"Now I work when I want and I do the things I want," says the Minneapolis attorney, who writes on the blog. "I still have to work for money. But I work much more on my own terms."

In particular, about half of Ha's monthly income comes from concert economy apps that are widely available and require no special skills. Unlike many other professionals who turn to highly-paid educational and consultative applications, Ha's main agitations include handover, surveys and room rental.

Since the start of the pandemic, most of its app-based revenue comes from food delivery platforms like DoorDash, GrubHub, and Uber Eats. Delivery apps like these have become gangs since coronavirus-led business closings swept the country, says Ha.

It's good for him because he temporarily gave up a once-lucrative hustle and bust, renting a guest room through Airbnb, because he didn't want to take health risks with his new baby. Under more normal circumstances, room rent generated around $ 1,000 per month.

However, the key to Ha's success is not the apps he uses. This is how you use them. By being strategic about how you handle your stampede, you earn much more an hour than most independent contractors. Overall, he makes between $ 30 and $ 40 an hour, he says. This is approximately double the estimated average hourly wage for delivery drivers at

Ha has nine tips for using a side fight to change your life.

1. Consider it a passionate piece
Start with a little introspection. After all, he only has 24 hours a day, and it is likely that 16 of those hours are used for sleeping and his daily work. That leaves just eight hours for everything else, including family, meals, and entertainment.

If he wants to make room in those precious free hours, he better like it and want to do it anyway, he says.

That is why Ha does not give online courses. You could earn a good hourly wage with sites like Wyzant's, Wize's, and Varsity's tutors because you can tackle complex topics like preparing for the law school entrance exam. But he says he spends too many hours on his computer. (Your blog represents an important part of your income).

Ha wants his app-based secondary agitations to include activities he would do in his spare time, like riding a bike or walking his dog. This attracted him to apps that allowed him to deliver on his bike and to walking dogs and observation apps like Wag and Rover.

The remarkable thing about the rapidly growing concert economy is that there are part-time job options for people with a wide range of interests, including cooking, art, object repair, and writing. If you are not sure what might suit your unique combination of interests, abilities and resources, take the SideHusl questionnaire.

2. Be in your business
Once you've chosen the apps you want to work with together, you should be empowered to think like a business owner, Ha says.

The biggest mistake Ha has seen that people make is to think like employees. So when DoorDash or GrubHub asks them to turn themselves in, they feel compelled to do so. After all, you rarely say no to your boss.

But when he works with online platforms like these, he is generally considered an independent entrepreneur. This means that you are doing business for yourself and that you should evaluate each offer as if it were a trade agreement, says Ha. If the proposed allocation provides enough money for your time and effort, accept. If not, just say no.

"My acceptance rate for each application is low: 10% to 40%," he says. “I take the jobs that make sense to me. I don't do the ones that are not profitable. "

At one point, concert economy firms could threaten

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