

How eating healthier helped these people , weight loss adele !!

Editor's Note: During quarantine, some people took the time to embark on their own health journey. Thanks to a good diet, some adopting a Mediterranean diet, and exercise, many have managed to lose weight in a healthy way. Doña Elena presents her stories. Below is her press release.]

MANILA, Philippines - The three-month lockout in Manila may have significantly limited people's mobility, but it also gave them plenty of space and time to think and take better care of themselves during this forced break. lifetime. A commendable result for many: a healthier diet and more physical activity, leading to good weight loss.

"When the closure was announced, I realized this was the perfect opportunity to do a balik alindog show and get out of quarantine with a new look, a slim version of myself, with a beard, and to influence healthy habits. "said Anton Diaz, the man behind the popular blog Our Awesome Planet." When I interviewed COVID survivors on my show, it was very clear that the virus was causing harm to older and overweight people. I want to be able to play at Basketball with my kids as they get older, and watch them with their friends and eventually get married! "


"I didn't want to be a couch potato, and it was also a very stressful time, with all the uncertainty," said grief counselor and writer Cathy Babao. “There was a lot of time to pray and think, but I also wanted to do something for my body. The lock gave me the opportunity to slowly resume the exercise. Babao had lost weight in late 2017 and early 2018, but gained weight again in 2019, which he described as a "stressful year".

For restaurateur Cheryl Rafael, weight loss was a planned family affair with her husband Ryan, cousin Mary Janelle Parungao, and sister-in-law Ritchelle Rafael, after another sister abroad challenged the lot. lose 10 kg (22 lb) “A few years ago, we really tried to lose weight, but we failed. So, during the ECQ, we decided as a family that this was the best time to get there, ”he said. In addition to problems like fatty liver, his other reason for losing weight was "to build self-confidence and improve our individual health conditions."

Graphic designer Jaron Nepomuceno, meanwhile, was only concerned about getting sick. “I wanted to recover due to the pandemic. I decided to exercise daily, eat nutritious food and change my lifestyle, even eliminating vices like smoking and drinking to combat anxiety and keep my immune system in place. "

The Mediterranean diet and other healthy eating tips.

According to all the interviewees, the ECQ made it easier to carry out a weight loss program.

"You don't go out to eat, and generally, home cooking is healthier," Diaz said. “It was easy to follow a routine that was not interrupted by work or events. In addition, there is a sense of urgency due to the virus, which will not be cured or vaccinated any time soon. "

"It was easier during the ECQ," says Rafael, "because we couldn't go out as often as we wanted to buy fast food!"

They all struggled to manage their food intake. “I cut down on my carbs and my meat; we ate more vegetables and fruits, as well as Filipino dishes like sinigang, tinola and nilaga, and stir-fried vegetable dishes, ”said Nepomuceno. "We try to eat less and cut all the sweets," added Rafael. "We just eat fish, vegetables, and fruit."

"They say it is an 80 percent and 20 percent exercise regimen for a successful weight loss program, and I can believe it," said Babao, who ate lighter and replaced unhealthy fats with olive oil for cook and did an intermittent fast a few days. .

Díaz also practiced fasting, although he launched his health program with a 28-day detoxification and health program to eliminate toxins and burn fat. "I also followed a healthy Mediterranean way of eating more fish and seafood, vegetables, eggs, cheese, kombucha, and lots of olive oil and vitamin D from the sun."

Food intake is the cornerstone of an effective weight loss program, and these successes underscore the fact that it's not about starvation but about eating the right food. The mentioned Mediterranean diet

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