

Stop Procrastinating and Take Action!

Procrastination stole our dreams. If you want to stop the delay and take action, then you have to do it when you think “I can’t”, whatever it is. An attempt and a failure nothing happens ... in the great scheme of things it is almost no better to swing.

A good friend of mine came out and started a new website design business a couple of months ago. He started to stop very worried and excited when he started talking.
At the time, I was very excited and encouraged to go look for him, to get to the life of his dreams.
I called him recently and asked him how things were going and he said “great”.
He told me enthusiastically about the wonderful and profitable things he has done. All his intentions and ideas for his new business. When they started to get into great excitement they had everything and could do it.
Funny enough, can he guess the only thing he didn’t tell me?
It's okay ...
Everything he really does.
You see, listening between the lines I can quickly perceive this. Actually, this situation resonates with me. I recognize this trend at other times as I spend weeks as an entrepreneur who constantly cultivates myself.
I’ve just been there.
Many, many times, actually.
You see, this friend of mine is a dreamer. It’s planning. A real great thinker.
But ... isn’t that the only thing?
He has no practice. He does not take action.
(Not yet)
Things like that depress me. It frustrates my rage. It makes me want to throw my hands in the air.
How many people do you know that way?
Do you like this guy?
Do you delay your dreams?
You will be fine. All right. Many times, I’ve been the same guy in my life. There are no secrets there. I’m definitely a big dreamer - not in the clouds as I’m firmly on the ground.
But on the ground is where the action is.
We’ve simply realized that the biggest ideas in the world won’t get you anywhere if you don’t stop and delay your actions. It is true that “idea” is just an idea. It is fragile and delicate. It is very elusive, ephemeral. It has such little solidity that it can be expelled by a small pool of air or lowered by a negative thought.
Until something is accomplished we don’t know if it’s a good idea and if the world has a chance to give it a chance or a pass.
It is true that the entrepreneur is nothing without an idea.
But the idea is not without work.
If we don’t do actions and work, ideas don’t grow. Plans fall apart. Freshness grows sharply. Ambitions are gone. Dreams die.
It’s a sad, sad story that is repeated over and over again.
What do you have?
What are you putting on?
What do you expect to “have the right time”?

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