

Develop your Book Marketing Strategy Now!

Do you think your book will be a best seller because it is incredible? Are you sure everyone will want to buy a copy of your book? It may be a best seller, but if you don't promote it and promote it, no one will know about your great book. It takes a lot of time and effort for a book to be a best seller.

The best time to decide on your book's marketing strategy is while writing your book. Don't wait until you have finished writing your book.

Here are some marketing activities you can start working on right now as you write your book.

Become a recognized speaker in your community. If you are afraid to speak, join a Toastmasters International section in your area now or take the Dale Carnegie Speaking Effectively training program. I have done both and they can give you the confidence and knowledge you need to be a good and effective speaker. You have an important message to share about your expert topic. You need to be able to introduce yourself well and build your name. You can start speaking now to practice so that when your book is published you are ready to take the speaking circuit.

Create your mailing list. Start Googling organizations and groups that you can talk to: women's groups, professional organizations, Rotary clubs, personal development groups, and groups specializing in the subject of your book.

Build your list of testimonials. Write the contact information of the people you want to give a testimonial for your book. Get 20 or more names. Once a draft copy of your book is available, you can write to your list and ask them if they would like to write a testimonial for your book. It's best to ask people who have headlines that might interest their potential readers. You can put the testimonials in your book and on their website.

Be the expert. If you solve problems for your clients, you are an expert. Now continue building on this by reading, learning, and attending seminars that can expand your knowledge in your area of ​​expertise.

Promote yourself. Now is not the time to be shy. Start writing articles in your area of ​​expertise and spread them to the world of article writing on the Internet. Start reading the promotional material you receive and register the ones that catch your attention. Start practicing by writing your own promotional material for your flyers and brochures.

Create a website to sell your book. Get help: Find a student from your local university to help you. Open a Paypal credit card account to start your book sales program. Your website will promote your book, lectures, and anything else to get the recognition you deserve. There is a lot to do in setting up your website, so if you are not well informed in this area ask for help.

Write a book proposal. It is the best marketing tool you can have. Get a book on how to write a book proposal. There are many books available on this topic. A book proposal can help you with your planning. It will integrate your marketing and promotion strategies. Even if you plan to self-publish your book, I recommend that you always prepare a book proposal.

Create a blog. If your book is far from being published, start a blog. You can keep a journal or business advice and soon readers will come to your blog. It's a way for people to get to know you and earn that expert recognition before your book is written.

Explore Amazon Check out the guidelines for listing your book on Be prepared so that when you publish your book, you can list it on Amazon. Find out the requirements, costs, etc.

Internet Research "Book Marketing". Do a Google search for "book marketing." You will learn about some of the newer services. Google now offers a book marketing service. Facebook is also a good way to create a list of people who might be interested in your book. You can talk about the book before launch and create your list. Once your book is published and available, you can announce it to your Facebook friends. There is MySpace and many other ways to promote your book online.

These are just a few ideas for your
help us develop your marketing plan. Don't wait until your book is finished. Start working on as many of the above things as possible now. Focus on one marketing idea at a time. Avoid feeling overwhelmed. "Inch by inch is very easy." I imagine you thought that once your book was written, the rest would be easy. Ha! You just started. Stay focused, make a plan, take action, and you could be a best seller.

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